Life has the meaning you give it. This is one seemingly ordinary summer but you’ll remember it forever. The birth of your first child. Success after the bitterness of initial failure. The scent of the mountains. Meeting again after years apart. Longing in the depths of your heart.

This is your story. We can memorialise it in your jewellery.


The here and now becomes important when you recall what once was. We draw on timeless solutions, we’re fascinated by art, history and the work of human hands. We filter the classics through the momentum of modern city living. We combine elegance with a retro touch.

We think about jewellery in a subversive way. For example, we combine the oldest jewellery clasp with a contemporary design. We’re interested in minimalistic forms that hold personal meaning – a keepsake with a selection of unusual stones, a locket hiding an important photo, a necklace or bracelet with a gemstone that adds charm by symbolising your date of birth.

Berries&Co is about important moments, celebrating life and the courage to be yourself, without being too ostentatious.

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