The taste of a morning rendezvous

It all starts with an intimate meeting. From that brief moment when our attention is precisely focused and the world becomes just a trivial illusion. We hurriedly lick our lips, bite our lips, gently touch the jewelry we wore for the first time today. In a moment we will feel the taste of the meeting... All we need to do is get closer.

Valentine's Day is not so much a celebration of lovers, but of what happens between two people.

One such meeting went down in literary history when Marcel Proust came face to face with true happiness brought about by the alluring taste of une petite madeleine . It was in this French cake, dipped in tea, that the most precious memories were hidden. And nothing is remembered as well as your favorite flavors combined with the company of a new person. Especially if it takes place in a French bistro and we start the day with a blind breakfast.

“I want a cordial chat with a cultured, good, intelligent man; "further depends on fate," reads an advertisement from the seventy-seventh issue of the "Fortuna Versal" magazine from 1927. It was one of the most popular Polish matrimonial and social magazines in the interwar period, also covering France and the United States. Moreover, not only the star of "Fortuna" shone at that time - she was supported by "Swatka", "Głos Serca" and "Vox". Who hasn't dreamed of meeting a mysterious person with whom we can bond for life? In this way, they were looking for not only partnership relationships, but also social relationships that could develop into long-lasting friendship full of passion and devotion.

The latter is a phenomenon that has already occupied ancient philosophers. The inhabitants of Athens met for a common meal combined with the exchange of thoughts, devoting themselves to the blissful pleasure of food and conversation. Well-baked bread and fresh fruit - that was all they needed to stimulate their senses and focus on what the other person was saying. Only such a beginning of the day allowed you to achieve full satisfaction, which gave you energy until the evening.

Are such meetings possible today? At a time when millennials are tired of online dating, Generation Z is not necessarily interested in relationships as such, and other generations are rushing in pursuit of happiness? As the latest psychological research shows, surprisingly, these are the meetings we need most of all today! The focus of everyone's attention - regardless of age, gender and origin - is quality relationships. Well-chosen company in which you can spend a pleasant few moments becomes more valuable than gold.

But how do we recognize ourselves when time passes at an inexorable pace during the day, and in the evening we only think about relaxation and rest? It is not without reason that we are increasingly reaching for speed dating , the American formula of the native Blind Date . Unlike the crazy nineties, when it was believed that only thirty seconds were enough to find lifelong love, today we think about it completely differently. This is a chance for an interesting meeting, allowing for free conversation and sharing plans and dreams. Perhaps also to make a new acquaintance that will bear fruit in various fields. It turns out that we are closer to the ancient Greeks and their ideal of kalos kagatos (i.e. the combination of a beautiful figure with refined intelligence) than to people from a hundred years ago.

To help us find out, Charlotte and I prepared a unique event - a Valentine's Day blind breakfast. Acquaintances made in this way stay with us for a long time, like the taste of a French madeleine.